Clinic Review 2024

ClinicsUnited Review

Expert review from Lisa Smith (updated 2024) + Patient reviews collected bi-weekly from:

ClinicsUnited, a medical tourism agency based in Antalya, Turkey, offers a range of surgical procedures, including cosmetic surgery, plastic surgery, bariatric surgery, and hair transplant surgery. However, despite providing hair transplant services, it appears that the majority of their patients opt for other procedures. This observation raises questions about several aspects of ClinicsUnited’s hair transplant services. Since most patients seem to choose other procedures over hair transplants, it begs the question of whether ClinicsUnited specializes in this particular field. So, should you be worried? We will be reviewing ClinicsUnited in this expert review.

ClinicsUnited Rating

Expert Review

2.0 / 5.0

Booking Process
Arrival & Accommodation
Surgery & Doctors

Expert Review

ClinicsUnited Turkey Review Summary

This review was published in March 2024. We have also added user reviews and the possibility for you to leave your review directly. If you wish to engage with former patients of ClinicsUnited Turkey, share your thoughts on the Hair Back App.

Experience With ClinicsUnited: Our First Impression

Upon reviewing ClinicsUnited’s website, we appreciated its user-friendly interface, which featured functional buttons and easily navigable menu options. The clinic’s commitment to accessibility was evident through the provision of multiple communication channels, including WhatsApp, email, and telephone.

While ClinicsUnited markets itself as a medical tourism agency offering hair transplant services, our research indicated that the majority of their patients seek other procedures. Despite having details about hair transplants on their website, the testimonials and reviews primarily highlighted experiences with bariatric procedures, gastric sleeves, and similar treatments.

Although ClinicsUnited’s website contains various pieces of information about their procedures, we encountered several blanks and missing details. For instance, the page dedicated to prospective patients’ medical trips, which could potentially explain the process of traveling to Turkey for treatment, was empty upon navigation. Similarly, the bookings page, intended for prospective patients to book consultations online, also appeared blank during our assessment.

Another notable absence was detailed information about the clinic’s medical team. While we found pictures of the team on the website, we were unable to access further details about individual team members and their qualifications or roles.

In our quest for comprehensive information, we found ourselves scouring the internet to fill in the gaps left by ClinicsUnited’s website. This lack of readily available information may pose challenges for prospective patients seeking clarity and transparency before making informed decisions about their treatment options.

Booking Process

3 / 5

ClinicsUnited’s approach to booking consultations initially appears straightforward, with a short contact form provided on each page of their website and a separate bookings page. 

However, our attempt to access the bookings page resulted in it being blank, suggesting a potential technical issue that may hinder prospective patients’ ability to schedule appointments online. As a result, individuals may need to resort to alternative contact channels such as WhatsApp or other communication channels to initiate the consultation process.

While the clinic’s website offers a detailed explanation of their hair transplant procedures, there is a noticeable absence of information regarding the booking and consultation process. This lack of clarity could present challenges for individuals interested in initiating the consultation process, as they may be left unsure about how to proceed or what to expect.

On a positive note, ClinicsUnited does offer a free hair loss consultation, which can be beneficial for prospective patients seeking guidance on their hair restoration journey. However, the absence of pricing information for hair transplant procedures on the website is notable. Despite our efforts to find this information online, we were unable to locate a pricing list specifically for hair transplants, indicating a potential lack of specification in this area.

Additionally, while the website features pictures of the clinic’s team members, there is a lack of concrete information about each team member’s role and qualifications. This omission may leave prospective patients with unanswered questions about who will be involved in their care and what expertise they bring to the table.

clinicsunited home page
clinicsunited home page

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Pre-Operational Consultations

1 / 5

We can’t say much about ClinicsUnited’s travel itinerary or schedule for prospective patients traveling to Turkey for their hair transplant procedure. This is mostly because the page that provides this information was unresponsive at the time of writing this review.

While this information may be provided to patients individually after the consultation, having it available upfront would facilitate informed decision-making before committing to the booking and consultation process.

We also couldn’t find any information on whether patients can reschedule bookings for free or if the clinic provided nutrition advice and supplements. 

Clarifying these details would provide patients with a better understanding of the comprehensive support they can expect post-procedure.

Arrival & Accommodation

3 / 5

ClinicsUnited includes accommodation in all their packages, which is a positive aspect for patients seeking convenience. However, the need for more clarity regarding the specific hotel and its star rating raises questions about the quality of accommodation provided. 

According to their website, ClinicsUnited provides a 3-night stay in the hotel, which is billed daily. They, however, provide free VIP transfers and a local coordinator for patients.


2 / 5

Although images of ClinicsUnited facilities were not available on their website, our online search unveiled that the clinic boasts state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge medical equipment. 

Additionally, ClinicsUnited has forged partnerships with several hospitals in Turkey. However, it remains unclear whether these hospitals actively contribute to their hair transplant procedures.

Despite this uncertainty, ClinicsUnited showcases its accreditations and certificates prominently on their website, indicating a commitment to upholding high standards of quality and professionalism. 

This transparency regarding their credentials is a positive sign for prospective patients seeking assurance about the clinic’s credibility and adherence to industry standards.

Surgery & Doctor Involvement

2 / 5

The limited information available about ClinicsUnited’s surgical team raises questions about the comprehensiveness of their medical staff. 

While the website features images of various staff members, details about their qualifications and roles remain undisclosed, leaving prospective patients uncertain about the expertise and experience of the team.

However, further online research revealed some details: Eveline D., Ramona C., and Miss Claudia Gunter serve as consultants, each specializing in various fields. Dr. Cemal FIRAT and Dr. Erdem Can YARDIMCI focus on Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Bariatric Surgery, respectively. Dr. Fikret EREN and Dr. Ümit KÜÇÜKTEPE also contribute to the medical team. However, details about Dr. Mehmet Bekir ŞEN remain unspecified.

Additionally, the absence of information about anesthetic and surgical procedures further adds to the lack of transparency surrounding the clinic’s practices. Providing comprehensive details about the entire surgical team and procedures would help instill greater confidence in prospective patients considering ClinicsUnited for their hair transplant needs.


1 / 5

We couldn’t find any information about their hair transplant aftercare procedures. 

conclusion expert review

Lisa writer at

We Rate ClinicsUnited Turkey

2.0 / 5.0

Upon reviewing ClinicsUnited’s website, we appreciated its user-friendly interface and commitment to accessibility, evident through multiple communication channels such as WhatsApp, email, and telephone. 

However, despite marketing itself as a medical tourism agency offering hair transplant services, most patient testimonials highlighted experiences with other procedures. While the website contains information about hair transplants, we encountered several blanks and missing details, including empty pages for medical trip explanations and booking consultations.

The lack of information about the clinic’s medical team raises concerns about the comprehensiveness of their staff expertise. Although pictures of the team are available, specific qualifications and roles remain undisclosed. However, further online research revealed some details about individual team members, providing partial clarity on their expertise.

Regarding facilities, while images were not available on the website, online searches unveiled state-of-the-art facilities and partnerships with several hospitals in Turkey. However, the extent of these hospitals’ involvement in hair transplant procedures remains unclear. Despite this, ClinicsUnited prominently displays accreditations and certificates, indicating a commitment to high standards.

In terms of surgery and doctor involvement, the lack of comprehensive information about anesthetic and surgical procedures further adds to the transparency issues. Providing detailed insights into the entire surgical team and procedures would enhance prospective patients’ confidence.

Finally, the absence of information about hair transplant aftercare procedures is concerning. Clarifying these details would provide patients with a better understanding of the support they can expect post-procedure. Overall, while ClinicsUnited’s website offers valuable information, addressing these transparency issues would significantly improve the patient experience and instill greater confidence in prospective patients.

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What do others think about ClinicsUnited Turkey?

ClinicsUnited Turkey Hair Transplant Reviews

Patient reviews collected bi-weekly from:

Rated 4.7 out of 5
4.7 out of 5 stars (based on 246 reviews)
Very good4%

Sehr gute Betreuung

Rated 5.0 out of 5
November 16, 2024

Sehr gute Betreuung von Fatma, Krankenhaus macht guten Eindruck. Alles gut gelaufen.


Schlauchmagen OP im November 24

Rated 5.0 out of 5
November 14, 2024

Hallo liebe Leute, ich war am 04.11.24 in Antalya für eine Schlafmagen OP.

Ich kann nur positives berichten.

Alles super durchorganisiert, von Anfunft wo man von dem lieben Effe abgeholt wird, auch Voruntersungen am Ankunfttag und am nächsten Tag.

Klinik sehr sauber, sehr freundliche Schwestern. Die OP: alles ruck zuck erledigt, keine Schmerzen, sehr lieber Arzt der täglich vorbei schaute ob alles in Ordnung ist. Bis heute 14.11.24 keine Probleme und auch abgenommen.

Das wichtigste zum Schluß, ist die liebe Fatma, die sich um alles kümmert, alles übersetzt und immer für einen da ist.

So einen tolle Betreuung hab ich in Deutschland noch nie erlebt.

Ich kann die Klinik nur empfehlen.

Marion Harer


Rated 5.0 out of 5
October 22, 2024

Im August 2024 begann ich, mich intensiver mit der Möglichkeit einer Schlauchmagen-OP zu beschäftigen. Der Auslöser dafür waren leider negative Kommentare aus meiner eigenen Familie, da ich an Adipositas leide. Zuvor hatte ich nie ernsthaft darüber nachgedacht, weil ich zu viel Angst vor der Operation hatte und mir das Schlimmste ausmalte.

Im August begann ich dann mit meiner Recherche, zunächst in Deutschland, stellte aber schnell fest, dass die Preise dort deutlich höher sind als in der Türkei. Daraufhin habe ich drei Kliniken in der Türkei kontaktiert. In allen Fällen fanden die Vorgespräche mit den Assistenten oder Betreuern statt.

Schließlich entschied ich mich für eine Schlauchmagen-OP in Antalya bei Clinics United, da mich vor allem Fatma mit ihrer Erfahrung, den klaren Aussagen und ihrer Freundlichkeit überzeugt hat. Die gesamte Organisation und Planung verlief reibungslos, und wir konnten schnell einen OP-Termin für den 06.10.2024 vereinbaren. Vor der Operation wurde ein umfassender medizinischer Check-up durchgeführt, der Lungenröntgen, Blutentnahme, Herz- und Bauchultraschall, einen Lungenfunktionstest sowie das Anästhesiegespräch umfasste. Alles war bestens vorbereitet, und die Hygiene entsprach sogar deutschen Standards, wenn nicht noch besser.

Die Operation selbst dauerte etwa 30 Minuten. Mein Arzt, Dr. Erdem Cem Yardımcı, kam jeden Tag zur Visite, und auch Fatma war täglich bei mir. Selbst nach meiner Rückkehr nach Deutschland bin ich nicht auf mich allein gestellt – Fatma ist weiterhin jederzeit für mich da.

Ich bin überglücklich, dass ich mich für Clinics United in Antalya entschieden habe. Die Betreuung war exzellent, und ich hätte die Operation rückblickend gerne schon früher gemacht.

Deyri Beritan

Clinics United is the best thing that…

Rated 5.0 out of 5
October 9, 2024

Clinics United is the best thing that could have happened to me. Fatma is a very nice, friendly person who takes care of all your needs. The stay in the clinic is excellent. The nurses are outstanding. Friendly, nice and always there. The surgeon is super cool. All in all, SUPER


Ich habe mich gut aufgehoben gefühlt…

Rated 5.0 out of 5
September 27, 2024

Ich habe mich gut aufgehoben gefühlt und mit Fatma an meiner Seite war es halb so schlimm. Nach der OP wurde für uns sehr gut gesorgt!

Nina Jakh

I recently had the gastric sleeve…

Rated 5.0 out of 5
September 21, 2024

I recently had the gastric sleeve procedure at Clinic United, and I couldn’t be happier with my experience! From start to finish, everything was absolutely top-notch.

From the moment I first contacted the clinic, I was put at ease by the professionalism and warmth of the staff. Efe was particularly exceptional. He walked me through every step of the process with incredible patience and clarity. No question was too small, and he made sure I felt confident and well-informed before, during, and after the surgery.

Alexandra was another stand-out. Her compassionate care and attention to detail were truly impressive. She made sure I was comfortable and well-taken care of during my stay. Her friendly demeanor and positive attitude were incredibly uplifting and played a huge role in my recovery.

The entire team at Clinic United is clearly dedicated to providing the best possible patient care. The facilities are state-of-the-art, clean, and very welcoming. The seamless coordination and the high level of expertise exhibited by everyone I interacted with made my experience stress-free and highly successful.

I am thrilled with the results of my gastric sleeve procedure. It’s been life-changing, and I owe so much to Efe, Alexandra, and the rest of the incredible team at Clinic United. Thank you for helping me start this new chapter of my life healthier and happier!

If you’re considering a gastric sleeve procedure or any other medical service, I highly recommend Clinic United antalya. You will be in excellent hands.

Tony Csiki

Ich habe mich dazu entschieden mir…

Rated 5.0 out of 5
September 20, 2024

Ich habe mich dazu entschieden mir einen Magenballon einsetzen zu lassen, als Unterstützung zu einer Diät/Gewichtsabnahme. Es war definitiv die richtige Entscheidung und ich würde es wieder so machen. Auf die Klinik bin ich durch eine Freundin gekommen die sich dort den Magen hat verkleinern lassen und wahnsinnig gute Ergebnisse damit erzielen konnte und das ohne schmerzen und Probleme. Der Service der Klinik war super, alle super freundlich, haben sich wahnsinnig gut um einen gekümmert und die Ärzte einen super Job gemacht. Direkt nach dem Eingriff ging es mir wunderbar, als wäre nichts gewesen, man fühlt sich sicher ! 🙂 ein großes Dankeschön geht an Fatma die mich von Anfang an über alles aufgeklärt und begleitet hat und auch im Nachhinein weiter großes Interesse an meinem wohlbefinden und den Ergebnissen zeigt.

Lena Henkelmann

Das Krankenhaus ist sehr sauber und…

Rated 4.0 out of 5
August 31, 2024

Das Krankenhaus ist sehr sauber und gepflegt. Die Schwestern bemühen sich und der Arzt ist immer präsent.

Zudem ist Fatma als Dolmetscher oft vor Ort.

Sie hat nicht nur das Fachliche Wissen sondern auch die nötige Menschenkenntnis um alle individuell betreuen zu können.

Danke meine Liebe 🙂

Alles in einem super Leistung!!

(Ein Stern Abzug für das Bett und die Zugänge)

Melanie Heidenreiter

So where do I Start well party of 3…

Rated 1.0 out of 5
August 28, 2024

So where do I Start well party of 3 visited clinics united and each of us had to return for corrective surgery myself I had chest implants gyno and lipo at first all looked good until 5month later I realised the swelling from the lipo was not swelling but still fat and also the lump in my chest gyno was still partly there I got in touch and had to revisit some fatty tissue was taken away so I was happy at that so flew back happy after the swelling to my chest subsided guess what it was still there so agen flew back had the fat removed that was left 1900 cc worth also the lump which ended up being dead flesh from my chest surgery so left happy for now to have my male chest implants move yes 1 had turned to its side and there is obviously only one reason for this and that is the pockets are made to big I honestly would not of used this company if I seen a review like this so now I am.left with implants that shift meaning it’s hard for me to go to the gym and put pressure on my chest as implants move i have for years lived with gyno which made me so unconfadent to now have that gone

and have pectoral implants that are horrible so I am just making you all aware before going ahead this is about my surgery but belive me my other 2 friends had big problems to do your research please………… regarding the reply I have just received I am on your books your manager ali totally knows who I am and yes the clinic was CLINIC UNITED

Stephen white

I would have rated zero if that was…

Rated 1.0 out of 5
August 15, 2024

I would have rated zero if that was possible!! DO NOT HAVE SURGERY IN TURKEY! The first surgery I had was supposed to be vasar liposuction with

A prof with 30yrs experience & trained other surgeons.. I should have seen it coming !! I was a guinea-pig for a trainee surgeon & my body has been botched for life!! Over and under correction meant lumps bumps and huge hip dips not even revision surgery could fix!! Plus I had No pain relief staff took my reg pain meds for FMR & left me in AGONY for hours!! Paid gor revision op Or option was have same inexperienced Dr attempt to fix his mistakes Its just a meat market!! NO AFTERCARE IN UK!!! Revision surgery April 2024 I paid for fixed my non existent waist bumpy stomach but punctured a breast implant now needing 10k of surgery in uk.. never ever go to Turkey for surgery!

Alison Hetherington

Ich bin in Juli 2024 in der Klinikum…

Rated 5.0 out of 5
August 13, 2024

Ich bin in Juli 2024 in der Klinikum operiert worden. Ich war sehr positiv überrascht. Die Klinik ist sehr groß, sauber und modern. Die Arzte und die medizinischen Personal waren nett, professionell, zuverlässig und

organisiert. Ich war in guten Händen und fühlte mich sehr voll. Vielen lieben Dank!

Tatjana Brunnmeier

So where do I Start well party of 3…

Rated 1.0 out of 5
August 12, 2024

So where do I Start well party of 3 visited clinics united and each of us had to return for corrective surgery myself I had chest implants gyno and lipo at first all looked good until 5month later I realised the swelling from the lipo was not swelling but still fat and also the lump in my chest gyno was still partly there I got in touch and had to revisit some fatty tissue was taken away so I was happy at that so flew back happy after the swelling to my chest subsided guess what it was still there so agen flew back had the fat removed that was left 1900 cc worth also the lump which ended up being dead flesh from my chest surgery so left happy for now to have my male chest implants move yes 1 had turned to its side and there is obviously only one reason for this and that is the pockets are made to big I honestly would not of used this company if I seen a review like this so I am just making you all aware before going ahead this is about my surgery but belive me my other 2 friends had big problems to do your research please

Stephen Bielicki

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ClinicsUnited Turkey Background Information


ClinicsUnited Turkey Team

Here’s what we found about ClinicsUnited team online. Eveline D. serves as a Consultant specializing in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Hair Transplant Surgery, and Bariatric Surgery, fluent in French and Turkish. Ramona C., in her role as a Counsellor, focuses on Bariatric Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Cosmetic Dentistry, Aesthetic Medicine, and Non-Surgical Facial Aesthetics, with proficiency in German and Turkish.

Miss Claudia Gunter, another Consultant at the clinic, specializes in various fields including Bariatric Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Hair Transplant Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Oncology, Eye Surgery, and Cosmetic Dentistry. She is multilingual, fluent in English, German, and Turkish.

Dr. Cemal FIRAT, holding the title of Doctor, graduated from the INONU UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF MEDICINE and focuses on Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Dr. Erdem Can YARDIMCI specializes in Bariatric Surgery and completed his residency at the Antalya Education and Research Hospital.

Dr. Fikret EREN is a member of the Turkish Plastic Surgery Association and the Turkish Medical Association, with experience at various hospitals before establishing a private practice in Antalya. Dr. Ümit KÜÇÜKTEPE, fluent in English, graduated from Istanbul University Cerrahpasa and completed his residency in Ear Nose Throat Surgery at the Antalya Education and Research Hospital.

Lastly, Dr. Mehmet Bekir ŞEN’s background and specialization remain unspecified. Although these details shed some light on ClinicsUnited’s medical team, the website’s lack of comprehensive information remains a concern for prospective patients.

Prospective patients may find it challenging to assess the qualifications and experience of the entire team, potentially impacting their decision-making process. Clear communication about the clinic’s team composition and credentials would enhance transparency and build trust among patients seeking hair transplant services.

Before and After Pictures

ClinicsUnited Clinic Turkey Before And After Results

Although ClinicsUnited’s website has a page dedicated to success stories of previous patients and photos showing before and after, we couldn’t find anything on hair transplants.

Getting a Hair Transplant in Istanbul Was Never Easier

Methods and Treatments

ClinicsUnited Clinic Hair Transplant Procedures

ClinicsUnited provides various hair transplant treatment options, including DHI hair transplant, FUE Sapphire hair transplant, and procedures tailored for women, beard, mustache, and eyebrow transplants. 

Their website provides detailed explanations of each procedure.

Costs and Packages

ClinicsUnited hair transplant cost and price - What is included in the hair transplant package?

There is no information about ClinicsUnited hair transplant cost online.

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Understanding Hair Loss

Before you can truly commit to a hair transplant it is important to understand hair loss. Together with the experts at IdealofMeD, we wrote an e-book explaining everything you need to know about hair loss. From hair loss causes to practical tips on how to deal with hair loss and the best hair loss products.

Free Hair loss ebook

Your Questions

You can find ClinicsUnited on Youtube, Instagram, and WhatsApp.

ClinicsUnited is a medical tourism agency and they are partnered with several other hospitals. 

We are not sure if they have an A-license. However, ClinicsUnited has a health tourism authorization certificate showcased on their website.

Contact Hairline Transplant Turkey

Our team of experts are always here to help you. You can call us or fill the contact form for any questions about hair transplantation cost or procedure. We are more than happy to assist you. You can also leave your contact information, and we’ll give you a call.

Let us answer your questions

Published by Lisa

Last updated in Mar, 2024

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