Clinic Review 2024
Dr Serkan Aygın Hair Transplant Clinic Review
Expert review from Tom Davis (updated 2023) + Patient reviews collected bi-weekly from:
While Dr Serkan Aygın is an experienced practitioner in providing hair transplant in Turkey, does the Dr Serkan Aygın Hair Transplant Clinic offer as much as you would expect? Read on and discover what this review has to stay.
Dr Serkan Aygın review content:
Dr Serkan Aygın Hair Transplant Clinic Rating
Expert Review
1.7 / 5.0
Patient Reviews
2.0 / 5.0
Booking Process
Arrival & Accommodation
Surgery & Doctors
Expert Review
Dr Serkan Aygın Hair Transplant Clinic Review Summary
The initial release of this review for Dr. Serkan Aygın Clinic dates back to June 2018. In order to maintain its relevance and precision, the review has been revisited and updated in August 2023. We’ve included feedback from users and now offer you the opportunity to contribute your own review directly. Should you desire to connect with past clinic patients and share your insights, you can do so through the Hair Back App.
Our Experience with dr Serkan Aygin Clinic in Istanbul: Step-by-Step
Let’s take a closer look at how the customer experience at the Serkan Aygin website unfolds. During my (Tom’s) visit to the Dr. Serkan Aygın hair transplant clinic website, I was immediately drawn to an enticing offer for a complimentary hair transplant analysis that promised to take just a mere 2 minutes of my time. The website offered various ways to get in touch, including a contact formor reaching out via WhatsApp.
The 2 minute analysis turned out to be a standardized form. Quite similar to the form we use on this site to calculate hair transplant cost. This kind of form proves to be effective for individuals who may be hesitant about undergoing a hair transplant and seek an initial interaction that isn’t overtly sales-oriented. Nonetheless, I had hoped for a swift response based on the information I provided in the form; unfortunately, that wasn’t the outcome.
Speaking from my perspective as someone who has undergone a hair transplant, I believe that every clinic stands to benefit from providing clear and transparent price lists early on in the process. Patients shouldn’t have to search for this information; it should be readily available.
Booking Process
2 / 5
- English website available
- Free hair loss consultation
- Detailed information of procedures
- Team information available
- Clear price list available
When you visit the Dr Serkan Aygın hair transplant clinic website, you will find the offer for a free hair transplant analysis, which takes all of 2 minutes! To request an online consultation, you can use the contact form to which you need to attach photos. Directions are provided on which photos to send with the form. You can also contact via WhatsApp. The site indicates that Dr Aygın will perform the consultation. Following this, one of his assistants will contact you to discuss the procedure, clarify expectations and make arrangements for your visit to the Dr Serkan Aygın clinic.
It is a little confusing when you open the site as to whether the hair analysis is part of the online consultation, which it isn’t. You need to apply for that separately. The site has a lot of relevant information as to the procedures offered with interesting, informative blog posts and a comprehensive FAQ section. Unfortunately what it does not have is a price list anywhere on the site.
Top Rated Clinics in Turkey October, 2024
Pre-Operational Consultations
1 / 5
- Clear itinerary before trip
- Possibility to reschedule booking for free
- Pre-operational consultations included
- Nutrition advice and supplements
- Pre-operational kit included
The website does offer a lot of information about what to expect pre-procedure and during the procedure—using a question and answer format to cover this wide subject. In fact, there may be a little too much information to take in one go. Every page has its question and answers which tells you a lot about the subject of hair transplantation, but nothing on hair transplant packages.
The site does not indicate anything about what is included if you choose to have a hair transplant procedure at Dr Serkan Aygın’s clinic. Nothing about the financial costs, except general comments on why the procedures are cheaper in Turkey than elsewhere. Neither could anything be found about the accommodation or the transfers provided.
Arrival & Accommodation
2 / 5
- Not included in all packages
- English speaking driver/coordinator available
- 5 star Western standard hotel included
- VIP Transfers included
- 3 nights stay standard (allowing for 1 day of rest)
- Blood test done upon arrival
All patients should have had their photos seen by Dr Serkan Aygın, but then you are told an assistant will contact you. Presumably, it is at this point when you discuss the costs and packages.
The promise of VIP transfers, English speaking drivers and co-coordinators can be found on external reviews. These reviews are mixed on the standard of this service, from excellent to communication problems and late pickups. The only comment regarding a package is a comment on the site that says ‘even if you add accommodation costs to the billing…’ which leaves you asking is it included or not?
The Dr Serkan Aygın site does not provide any information on the available hotels, so, they could be from 2* to 5*, it’s a guessing game. It appears that all of this practical information is only discussed with the patients directly and not seen as an essential element to have on their website.
2 / 5
- Comfort, including lunch, entertainment, clothes and ergonomic chair and bed
- Laser Measured Hairline, Density Measurement- and Donor Area Selection Tool
- Regulated EU Accredited Private Hospital with own room for surgery
- Hospital Level of Sanitation and Guaranteed Operation
- A-license (regulated by the Turkish government)
The images of the Dr Serkan Aygın clinic show a very well-designed and beautifully decorated environment. Based in the 32-storey Key Plaza in the Istanbul district of Şişli. This area is a central area of Istanbul on the European side and an easy ride to Taksim, and some of the famous historical sites.
The clinic itself is not a hospital and has not got an A-licence. It does offer a modern treatment room, maintained to high standards, alongside equipment providing Laser hair therapy, density measurement and donor selection tool. Lack of the A-licence means it does not have emergency services, and any health problems arising will entail the transfer of the patient to the nearest hospital.
Surgery & Doctor Involvement
4 / 5
- Not included in all packages
- Nurses Part of Operational Team
- Third Party Doctor Auditing of Operation for Perfect Result
- English Speaking Medical Team
- Needleless anesthetics
- Reputable Doctor Part of Operational Team
Dr Serkan Aygın has an impressive CV. that is clearly stated on the website. There are references to his assistants and co-ordinators but no introduction to the medical team. The actual procedures are very well-documented as is the pre-operative patient guide, which clearly indicates what you should or should not be doing prior to the hair transplant procedure.
0 / 5
- Standard Post Treatment Packages included
- Post-operational consultations
- After-care products provided for free
- 90% hair growth guarantee
- Financing options available
There is a comprehensive post-hair transplant guide on the site that covers from day 1 to 12 -18 months after the procedure, answering many questions on what to expect. The post-procedure hair wash is clearly documented and explains what to do and when. it also states Dr Serkan Aygın clinic will provide a shampoo and lotion to use in the first month following the procedure. The clinic also provides paperwork that contains detailed information on the hair transplant procedure.
conclusion expert review
We Rate Dr Serkan Aygın Clinic
Dr Serkan Aygın is an accomplished award-winning hair transplant doctor, and the clinic website reflects his knowledge and experience. The difficulty is, it’s too much information, in that it is overwhelming and spread over several pages.
The site offers several treatments including FUE & DHI for men and women, but if you are searching for prices and hair transplant packages, you will be left wanting, as neither are on the site. Nor are any costs for the hair transplantation procedures done at the Dr Serkan Aygın clinic available.
The website needs some work in providing information on the cost of procedures and what extras a patient has to pay. Information like are there any all-inclusive packages or is a deposit required? Included in the mission statement of the Dr Serkan Aygın clinic is a promise that there will be no additional charges above the quote provided. But what the quote includes is unknown.
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What do others think about Dr Serkan Aygin Clinic
dr serkan aygin clinic reviews
Rated 4.5 out of 5
4.5 out of 5 stars (based on 1,012 reviews)
Very good6%
esperienza eccellente
Rated 5.0 out of 5
October 7, 2024
esperienza eccellente, il servizio ricevuto è stato impeccabile, personale molto disponibile ed attento ad ogni esigenza, lo consiglio a tutti
Si prendono in considerazione le…
Rated 1.0 out of 5
October 7, 2024
Si prendono in considerazione le recensioni con non più di un anno ? Ok, ma in clinica vi dicono che per il risultato definitivo servono almeno 18 mesi quindi logica vorrebbe che si aspettasse tale tempistica prima di poter esprimere il giudizio sulla propria esperienza. Consiglio vivamente tutti coloro che intendono esercitare tale possibilità di farlo alla fine di questo percorso tecnico, che vi viene fornito al momento dell’ intervento poiché solo allora sarete in grado di giudicare con obbiettività ogni cosa ma per accontentare tutti e poter lasciare la mia opinione scrivo qui la data corretta 10/03/2023 e metterò sotto una di facciata. Due percorsi, i miei, che alla fine hanno portato ad un risultato alquanto mediocre considerando che nessuna delle problematiche presentate ha trovato una soddisfacente soluzione. Un primo intervento giudicato fallimentare dalla stessa clinica tanto da essere attenzionato da quella ipotetica garanzia che vi viene rilasciata e che al momento del secondo intervento tra un rimpallo di responsabilità con l’ agenzia che ha gestito il tutto e loro, mi ha visto costretto a pagare tutto, nemmeno un minimo di collaborazione. Se vi sentite dire parole come linee naturali o più di così non si può scappate. Un altra curiosità è che non avrete mai il prezzo definitivo ma secondo le leggi del business moderno troveranno sempre qualcosa da rifilarvi dal prp al prelievo della barba o ai kit post trapianto da qualche centinaio di euro. Non sottovalutate poi il fatto che in Italia non ci sono referenti e in definitiva se era complicato farsi riconoscere una qualsiasi lamentela prima è impossibile adesso. Stendiamo infine un velo pietoso sulla figura che dovrebbe fare da tramite in albergo, un personaggio che tutto fa meno che curare le esigenze dei clienti. Non voglio dire nulla sulla sistemazione che in definitiva non era ne peggio ne meglio di tante altre. In chiusura ora posso affermare che sono state due esperienze certamente non in linea con i costi richiesti e con i risultati che ci si aspetterebbe da un tale livello di turismo medicale. A distanza di 18 mesi mi ritrovo a dover programmare un terzo intervento riparatorio che non effettuerò di sicuro in questa struttura che per carità sarà pur all’ avanguardia in tante cose ma sicuramente è gestita molto male. Chiudo dicendo che non mi interessa se la clinica risponderà o meno perché i contatti li ho già chiusi io da un pezzo ma con la speranza che queste esperienza negativa possa essere di aiuto a tutti coloro che stanno per accingersi ad avviare un qualsiasi rapporto con questi signori.
Salvatore Galati
Sono stato 2 volte alla clinica a…
Rated 5.0 out of 5
September 30, 2024
Sono stato 2 volte alla clinica a instambul….
Consiglio vivamente questa esperienza validissimo team professionisti e cortesia…
Inizialmente come molti per le esperienze nuove ero preoccupato ma lo Consiglio vivamente…
Ottimi risultati dolore zero
Lorenzo Giubergia
Clinica a 5 stelle
Rated 5.0 out of 5
September 26, 2024
Clinica molto seria, dove si viene seguiti dall’inizio alla fine, senza lasciar nulla al caso. Ogni singola fase, dalla prenotazione iniziale, ai trasferimenti, e al trapianto stesso sono organizzati in modo impeccabile.
Il team è molto preparato e gentile con i pazienti, preoccupandosi sempre del mio benessere.
Sicuramente è una clinica all’avanguardia, dove i livelli di preparazione sono altissimi.
Clinica a 5 stelle.
Gentili, preparati e simpatici sono anche i traduttori, che sono sempre stati disponibili a chiarire ogni mio dubbio (e lo sono tutt’ora) in qualsiasi momento della giornata, rendendo questa esperienza molto piacevole e rassicurante.
Per chi voglia fare un trapianto di capelli, lo consiglio vivamente
Sandro Zanchetti
La banda dei bulbi
Rated 5.0 out of 5
September 25, 2024
Organizzazione , pulizia e professionalità
Pessima clinica
Rated 1.0 out of 5
September 23, 2024
Dolore terribile durante il trapianto, lamentandomi della cosa gli infermieri continuavano a darmi l’anestetizzante nel mentre che se la ridevano, mi è sembrata una cosa poco professionale.
Ad oggi i risultati solo abbastanza deludenti, pochi capelli soprattutto nella zona del vertex, dove addirittura si vede che non ci sono capelli.. Ho provato a contattare la clinica ma sembra che l’opzione della garanzia sia solo per bellezza, appena la citi spariscono senza più risponderti.
C’è di meglio in Turchia, clinica buona solo se volete fare i “vip” vista la bella struttura.
Lamberto Lambiase
Rated 1.0 out of 5
September 23, 2024
A distanza di più di un anno dal trapianto i capelli sono ancora in fase di crescita a macchie.
Sono messo peggio di prima! ora proprio si vede che è stato fatto qualcosa, la gente mi chiede se non sono malato!
Non avete idea di quanto mi faccia stare male questa cosa…
Tengo a precisare che ho seguito tutto il decorso post-operatorio alla lettera tant’è che per la clinica i primi mesi andava tutto alla grande.
Assistenza post operatoria inesistente, hanno addirittura smesso di rispondermi alle mail ed ora mi ritrovo messo peggio di prima con 4000 euro in meno sul conto.
Diffidate dalle recensioni positive fatte qualche giorno dopo il trapianto. Clinica sicuramente molto bella e moderna, ma io ho scelto di fare un trapianto per avere dei capelli in testa, non per vedere una bella clinica.
Posso documentare tutto con foto di me prima e ora e con le mail scambiate con la clinica.
Roberto Giannetta
Lost all transplanted hairs
Rated 1.0 out of 5
September 21, 2024
After 7 months, all the transplanted haïr start falling Again. Résulte : I paid 3500 euros for absolutely nothing, just Lost Time and false hopes.
Brad Rochat
Rated 1.0 out of 5
September 10, 2024
Unfortunately, I did not have a good experience with this operation .
The first thing is in the operating room, none of the team members are familiar with a language other than Turkish, and you will have a hard time asking for anything.
Second, Dr. Serkan Aygin does not care about the patient’s opinions. In fact, he is not at all interested in listening to the patient’s request, and if the patient gives an opinion, he acts unfriendly.
Also, the patient’s waiting time in the clinic is long. Even though you already have an appointment, you may wait up to an hour in the clinic.
In fact, their goal is to accept the maximum number of patients, which affects the quality of service.
But honestly, the positive point is the service and transfer, which is done well
Aspettative ad oggi molto deludenti.
Rated 1.0 out of 5
September 9, 2024
Per quanto posso giudicare ad oggi, NOVA PLAZA PERA HOTEL pessimo, primo giorno mi hanno messo in una stanza al 4° piano praticamente una soffitta di una baia di montagna, fatto presente ed il secondo giorno cambiano la stanza ma alle 5 del mattino si sentita puzza di mangiare probabilmente dai
canali delle cucine, quell’hotel di 4 non ha nulla, d’altronde siamo in Turchia. Ma anche in Turchia ci sono alberghi a 4/5 stelle come, ad esempio, il JW Marriott Istanbul etc, preciso per me non è importante l’albergo, anzi avevo chiesto che avrei voluto prenotare solo l’intervento, volo e albergo ci avrei pensato autonomamente ma non è possibile.
Riguardo all’intervento; transfer alle 11.50, operazione alle 17.30 per finire alle 24.00 con un’ infinita ed inutile attesa per finire un intervento peraltro così invasivo ad un orario abbastanza sconcio oltre le 24.
Un’equipe di ragazzi tutti molto giovani su questo niente da dire, definire di grande esperienza riservo qualche dubbio. Personalmente ho proposto alla clinica di farmi operare dal Dr. Serkan,
hanno risposto che il Dr. non opera nessuno e che lo staff di sala operatoria possiede almeno di 10 anni di esperienza, i ragazzi non avranno avuto non più di 30 anni, a 20 anni in sala operatoria? Mi sembra un po azzardata/commerciale tale dichiarazione rilasciata dalla sua assistente che mi ha contattato, la Sig.ra Marilda.
Tempo per parlare con i medici molto stringato con risposte abbastanza vaghe, da un primo approccio iniziano a disegnarmi la testa, i bulbi devono essere 3200, poi dopo 5 minuti arriva Dr. Serkan e diventano 4200, poi sul lettino della sala operatoria torna il Dr. Serkan e diventano 3500 con continue righe in testa come se non ci fosse una procedura analizzata, definita in anticipo, ma soprattutto non si concorda con il paziente quando si trova su un lettino di una sala operatoria, siamo sempre persone, la delicatezza è una forma di rispetto.
Infine un sacco di firme per consenso informato, prelievo del sangue senza consegnarti l’esito e la documentazione firmata, se non la chiedi nulla, anzi dopo averlo + volte richiesto ho avuto le fotocopie con alcune pagine mancanti.
Sugli esami del sangue non hanno mai consegnato nulla, quindi se prenderò qualche malattia ”spero di no” non avrò la dimostrazione che fossi sano prima dell’intervento. Non sai quale farmaco ti hanno somministrato, quale tipologia di anestesia, orario d’ingresso, di uscita, pressione arteriosa durante l’intervento, praticamente ti mandano via senza alcuna informazione, si tratta sempre di un intervento chirurgico.
Sul risultato, vediamo trascorsi i 12 mesi, dopo potrò dare un giudizio oggettivo.
La qualità è sinonimo di perfezione dall’inizio alla fine indipendentemente dalla somma, nel mio caso non ho posto limiti ma qui è pieno di buchi, mi rendo disponile a rispondere. [ Tutto documentato e dimostrabile]
alessandro lombardi
Preis Leistungsverhältnis ist top mit…
Rated 5.0 out of 5
September 8, 2024
Preis Leistungsverhältnis ist top mit hoher Qualität
Numan Gülsuyu
Nettes Team
Rated 5.0 out of 5
September 8, 2024
Das Ergebnis muss ich noch abwarten, allerdings kann ich schon jetzt sagen, dass ich mich gut aufgehoben fühlte.
Toni LaBenc
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Dr Serkan Aygin Clinic Background Information
Are Dr Serkan Aygin Clinic HairTransplants Done By Dr Serkan Aygın?
According to the website, hair transplants at the clinic take between 5 -6 hours. Watching the interesting videos of the procedures on the site, it does appear that Dr Serkan Aygın does the pre-consultation on the procedure day, but it appears an assistant does the extractions with supervision from the doctor. The team at the clinic is not introduced on the website, so how many other doctors there are or how well trained is unclear, although the mission statement does refer to, “specialized doctors, all experts in their fields.”
Dr Serkan Aygın has considerable experience in the field of hair transplantation—in practice since 1996. In addition to his BA in Medicine, he has a Masters in Clinical Pharmacology and Dermatology and is a member of the International Society For Dermatology. As one of the first doctors performing DHI hair transplant and FUE hair transplant procedures in Turkey, he has considerable expertise. This experience was honoured at the 2019 European Awards in Medicine receiving the award for Europe’s Best Hair Transplant Surgeon.
Before and After Pictures
Dr Serkan Aygin Hair Transplant Before And After Results
There are plenty of dr serkan aygin clinic photos available to view on the clinic website. The clinic also has active social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. The Dr Serkan Aygin reviews on Trustpilot were from 90 reviews, 2018 -2020, the majority, 86%, were favourable with 14% from bad to ok. Several reviewers commented on the lack of involvement of Dr Serkan Aygın himself in the procedures.
Getting a Hair Transplant in Istanbul Was Never Easier
Methods and Treatments
Dr Serkan Aygın Clinic Transplantation Methods & Treatments
The clinic offers hair transplantation services for men and woman, including beard and eyebrow transplants. The procedures used are FUE, Sapphire FUE and DHI. The clinic also offers hair mesotherapy & hair treatments for hair loss problems alongside LLLT, Low-Level Laser Treatment. LLLT is an FDA approved therapy that Dr Serkan Aygın provides for his patients.
Dr Serkan Aygın’s experience and skill are without a doubt top-quality, but it is unclear if the top man himself will perform your procedure. So make sure to discuss this during an online consultation. As we are unaware of who the medical team are cannot review them, although images on the website indicate this is a large team. Incorporated into the Doku Medical Centre, opened 2017, hair transplantation is available alongside cosmetic surgeries, dermatology and medical aesthetics options.
Costs and Packages
Dr Serkan Aygin Cost of Hair Transplants, Available Packages And Extras
Unfortunately, we cannot comment on the Dr Serkan Aygin price for hair transplants or any packages available as not included on any of the clinic’s websites; there are three sites. Reviews on Trustpilot do not contain any costs. However, our reviewer did find an unsubstantiated review on Google. This indicated prices started from 2,500€, but not how many grafts or what else was included.
The area of Şişli is a business hub of Istanbul, and there are plenty of hotels of every grade, but there is no indication of which hotels are in use for the patients of the Dr Sekan Aygın clinic. Patients undergoing a hair transplant procedure will need at least a two-day stay in the city. More if you wanted time to explore fascinating Istanbul.
Be the first to grab our all-new e-book
Understanding Hair Loss
Before you can truly commit to a hair transplant it is important to understand hair loss. Together with the experts at IdealofMeD, we wrote an e-book explaining everything you need to know about hair loss. From hair loss causes to practical tips on how to deal with hair loss and the best hair loss products.
Your Questions
Yes, as well as Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. The clinic has a large number of videos available to watch on procedures, the clinic and Dr Serkan Aygın.
No, procedures are carried out in a licensed clinic. There are blog posts and videos detailing how the clinic is maintaining its high standards of hygiene.
No, the clinic does not have an A-licence. Not having an A-Licence means that the clinic can only conduct one transplant per doctor per day. If a medical emergency arose, the patient would be transferred to a local hospital.
Contact Hairline Transplant Turkey
Our team of experts are always here to help you. You can call us or fill the contact form for any questions about hair transplantation cost or procedure. We are more than happy to assist you. You can also leave your contact information, and we’ll give you a call.
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Last updated in Jun, 2024