Expert review from Lisa Smith (updated 2024) + Patient reviews collected bi-weekly from:
Istanbulhair is a hair transplant clinic in the Netherlands with ‘Turkish prices’. Unlike other hair transplant clinics we’ve reviewed in the past, Istanbulhair offers specialized treatments for patients with HIV and hepatitis B or C. The clinic also has its main office in Turkey. However, can you trust Istanbulhair with your hair transplant surgery? Let’s see.
This review was published in March 2024. We have also added user reviews and the possibility for you to leave your review directly. If you wish to engage with former patients of Istanbulhair, share your thoughts on the Hair Back App.
Upon reviewing Istanbulhair’s website, we initially found it to be user-friendly and informative, providing detailed insights into the clinic and its hair transplant procedures, although some parts of the website are not in English. However, with closer examination, it became evident that the website lacked transparency regarding crucial aspects such as pricing.
The website failed to provide clear information about the cost of hair transplant procedures and package details. However, unlike other hair transplant clinics we’ve seen in the past, Istanbulhair highlights their concern for patients with hepatitis and HIV.
Although their website mentions they have clinics in 5 different locations, we couldn’t find any evidence of this online. Another potential failure for Istanbulhair is the absence of the ‘Turkish prices’ they speak of.
We also couldn’t find any information about arrival and accommodation for prospective patients or Istanbulhair clinic facilities.
1.5 / 5
The booking process for Istanbulhair appears to be user-friendly, with options to fill out a free consultation form or initiate contact via WhatsApp. However, despite the abundance of information on their website regarding hair transplants, the lack of specificity about the booking process and team members is concerning.
One significant drawback is the absence of a price list on the website, leaving prospective patients in the dark about the cost of procedures. Istanbulhair is also silent about their preoperative consultations and packages.
Had Istanbulhair been more transparent from the outset, prospective patients would likely have a clearer understanding of what to expect, leading to more informed decision-making. Transparency fosters trust and confidence in potential patients, ultimately contributing to a positive patient experience and reputation for the clinic.
1.0 / 5
Another significant drawback for Istanbulhair is the lack of transparency regarding their pre-operational procedures. Despite offering consultations, the website fails to provide clear details about the consultation process. Prospective patients are left in the dark about what to expect during these consultations.
Without clear information about the consultation process and itinerary before the trip, prospective patients may feel uncertain and uninformed about what to expect from their experience at Istanbulhair.
Overall, the clinic’s failure to provide transparent and detailed information about pre-operational procedures undermines its credibility and leaves prospective patients with unanswered questions and concerns.
2 / 5
Istanbulhair’s website does not have detailed information about arrival and accommodation. Besides a one-liner saying the clinic helps with travel arrangements and hotel accommodations, we couldn’t find any further information about this crucial detail.
Although they mention providing a coordinator and VIP transfers, it is still important that some of this information is available on their website.
Without clearer instructions or assistance with logistics, patients may find themselves navigating unfamiliar territory during what can be a significant and potentially stressful experience.
2 / 5
Compared to other hair transplant clinics such as IdealofMed and Cosmedica, which proudly showcase their state-of-the-art facilities and hospital-level sanitation, Istanbulhair seems to need more transparency in this regard. Despite efforts to gather information, we couldn’t find any images or videos providing insight into the clinic’s facilities or cleanliness standards.
While some clinics prioritize transparency by offering virtual tours or detailed descriptions of their facilities, Istanbulhair’s website lacks such visual representations.
This absence of facility imagery or detailed descriptions may leave potential patients with lingering doubts about the clinic’s standards and amenities. In an industry where trust and confidence are paramount, providing transparent and comprehensive information about facilities can significantly enhance a clinic’s credibility and reassure patients about the quality of care they can expect.
2 / 5
Istanbulhair’s website provides minimal information about their medical team.
Prospective patients may find it difficult to make informed decisions without knowing who will be performing their surgeries or providing their care. Additionally, the absence of clarity about the language proficiency of the medical team could pose a significant barrier for patients who do not speak Turkish.
Without clear information about the credentials and qualifications of their team members, patients may feel uncertain about the level of expertise and professionalism they can expect from Istanbulhair. This lack of transparency regarding the medical team undermines trust and confidence in the clinic’s ability to deliver safe and effective hair transplant procedures.
1 / 5
Despite all the shortcomings of Istanbulhair, the clinic holds aftercare in high esteem. According to their website, the clinic offers an aftercare plan that includes a PRP boost during treatment, a day 10 checkup appointment, a neck pillow and special shampoo, and day 30, 90, and 120 final assessment and checkup.
However, the absence of any mention of a hair growth guarantee or financing options may deter potential patients who are seeking assurances about the effectiveness of the procedure and exploring payment options.
1.9 / 5.0
While Istanbulhair Clinic presents itself as a potential destination for hair transplant procedures, its overall performance leaves much to be desired in terms of transparency, clarity, and patient-focused communication.
The clinic’s website initially appears user-friendly and informative, offering insights into its services and procedures. However, a closer examination reveals significant shortcomings, particularly regarding crucial details such as pricing transparency, pre-operational procedures, and facility standards.
One of the most glaring issues is the lack of clear pricing information for hair transplant procedures. Without a transparent price list, prospective patients are left uninformed and uncertain about the financial aspects of treatment, potentially hindering their decision-making process.
Moreover, Istanbulhair Clinic’s failure to provide detailed information about pre-operational consultations and procedures raises concerns about patient experience and satisfaction. Prospective patients may feel left in the dark about what to expect before their trip, leading to uncertainty and anxiety.
The clinic’s website also lacks clarity regarding arrival and accommodation arrangements for international patients, which may pose challenges in terms of logistics and coordination. Without clear instructions or assistance in this regard, patients may face additional stress and uncertainty during their treatment journey.
Furthermore, Istanbulhair Clinic’s website lacks visual representations or detailed descriptions of its facilities, leaving potential patients with lingering doubts about the clinic’s standards and amenities. Transparency regarding facility standards is crucial for building trust and confidence among patients.
In terms of the medical team, Istanbulhair Clinic provides minimal information about its members, making it difficult for prospective patients to assess the qualifications and expertise of the professionals who will be performing their procedures. Without clear information about the medical team, patients may feel uncertain about the quality of care they will receive.
Despite shortcomings in various areas, Istanbulhair Clinic places importance on aftercare, offering a comprehensive plan for post-treatment support. However, the absence of a hair growth guarantee or financing options may deter some potential patients seeking assurances about treatment effectiveness and exploring payment options.
In summary, Istanbulhair Clinic falls short in several key areas, including pricing transparency, pre-operational procedures, facility standards, and clarity about the medical team.
Addressing these shortcomings and enhancing transparency and communication with patients will be crucial for improving the clinic’s reputation and patient experience. Prospective patients should carefully consider these factors when evaluating Istanbulhair Clinic for their hair transplant needs.
Ik ben tevreden met het resultaat, maar de wachttijd op de dag van de behandeling was langer dan verwacht. Gelukkig was het team vriendelijk en professioneel.
Goede ervaring, maar de communicatie had beter gekund. Het resultaat is wel naar wens, en de faciliteit was schoon en modern.
Alles verliep soepel, van consult tot nazorg. Het personeel was deskundig en vriendelijk. Mijn haartransplantatie is een succes, ik ben erg blij met de resultaten.
De resultaten zijn beter dan ik had verwacht. Het team was professioneel en zorgde ervoor dat ik me op mijn gemak voelde. Goede nazorg en duidelijke uitleg.
Zeer tevreden met de behandeling en de service. Het personeel was vriendelijk en professioneel. Mijn haar ziet er nu al veel voller uit. Absoluut een aanrader!
Date of experience: November 06, 2024
Great transplant service,Professional team, excellent results. Highly recommend!
Voor deze behandeling hoeft u niet meer naar Turkije. Gewoon in Den Haag voor een betaalbare prijs
Je moet zelf achter je facturen aangaan, daarbij zijn deze niet kloppend. Veel beloven, weinig waarmaken en zeer slechte communicatie vaardigheden.
Super ervaring en betrouwbaar
Als iemand die jarenlang haren in vlechten had gezet, begon ik last te krijgen van haarverlies. Nu kan ik met volle overtuiging zeggen dat mijn ervaring met Istanbul Hair van begin tot eind geweldig was. Alles verliep precies zoals we tijdens het eerste consult hadden besproken. Ik begrijp dat sommige mensen mogelijk andere ervaringen hebben gehad, gezien de negatieve recensies die ik heb gezien, maar dat was zeker niet het geval voor mij. Ik ben zeer tevreden met mijn behandeling en ik raad iedereen die worstelt met haarverlies of kaalheid ten zeerste aan om naar Istanbul Hair te gaan. De medische professionals waren uiterst bekwaam en zorgzaam. Het personeel was vriendelijk en attent, en de faciliteit was modern en schoon. Mijn haartransplantatie was een succes en ik ben erg blij met de resultaten die ik een jaar later zie. Ik wil Istanbul Hair bedanken voor hun uitstekende zorg en professionaliteit. Ze hebben mijn zelfvertrouwen hersteld en ik voel me nu weer trots op mijn haardos.
Zeer slechte ervaring met dit bedrijf!
We couldn’t find details of their medical team. However, there are links to the websites of their partners on the Istanbulhair Clinic website.
We couldn’t find any before and after results on Istanbulhair Clinic’s website or online.
Istanbulhair Clinic provides a range of hair transplant services, including ICE, DHI, FUE, Sapphire FUE, female hair transplants, unshaven procedures, beard transplants, and eyebrow transplants. These options cater to various hair restoration needs, offering individuals specialized solutions to address their concerns.
Prospective patients are expected to proceed with the initial consultation before getting a quote for the hair transplant cost. Istanbulhair Clinic is not transparent regarding its pricing or packages.
Before you can truly commit to a hair transplant it is important to understand hair loss. Together with the experts at IdealofMeD, we wrote an e-book explaining everything you need to know about hair loss. From hair loss causes to practical tips on how to deal with hair loss and the best hair loss products.
You can find Istanbulhair Clinic on Youtube, Instagram, and WhatsApp.
Yes, Istanbulhair Clinic performs hair transplants in their hospital.
We are not sure if they have an A-license.
Our team of experts are always here to help you. You can call us or fill the contact form for any questions about hair transplantation cost or procedure. We are more than happy to assist you. You can also leave your contact information, and we’ll give you a call.
Published by Lisa