Clinic Review 2024

Pilorum Hårklinik Review

Expert review from Lisa Smith (updated 2024) + Patient reviews collected bi-weekly from:

Pilorum Hårklinik is a Norwegian clinic that specializes in cosmetic surgeries and hair loss treatments. With several positive reviews from previous patients on TrustPilot and Google, Pilorum Hårklinik positions itself as a leading hair transplant clinic in Denmark. We’ll be reviewing Pilorum Hårklinik in this expert review.

Pilorum Hårklinik Rating

Expert Review

2.9 / 5.0

Booking Process
Arrival & Accommodation
Surgery & Doctors

Expert Review

Pilorum Hårklinik Review Summary

This review was published in February 2024. We have also added user reviews and the possibility for you to leave your review directly. If you wish to engage with former patients of Pilorum Hårklinik, share your thoughts on the Hair Back App.

Experience With Pilorum Hårklinik: Step-by-Step Guide

Pilorum Hårklinik has an amazing and user-friendly website. We are big on not just aesthetics, but also functionality – and their website delivers on both. 

A quick tour of their website reveals that prospective patients can easily find the information they might be looking for about hair transplants or other cosmetic procedures. The website is also available in English and Danish.

Additionally, Pilorum Hårklinik has a shop where they sell aftercare products and hair care products. However, we were a bit disappointed when it came time to communicate with the clinic.

The clinic’s website does not have a WhatsApp button or even a live chat option where prospective patients can easily inquire about their services. They only mentioned their email address and phone number. The website also has a booking form.

For patients looking for a quick resolution to their questions, they may need to call the clinic directly. However, a section of their website says that patients may incur late cancellation fees for treatments and consultations.

This was a big no-no for us. With the lack of a quick chat button to ask questions about the clinic, prospective patients need to make sure they reach out in advance to avoid any potential fees. It’s crucial for clinics to provide convenient communication channels for their patients, and the absence of a live chat or WhatsApp option could be a drawback for some individuals.

pilorum harklinik home page

Booking Process

3.5 / 5

The Pilorum Hårklinik website offers a seamless experience for users, available in both English and Danish languages, although some pages on their website are not translated into English. Their booking process is simple, although the absence of direct communication channels like WhatsApp or live chat may be a downside for some prospective patients.

While the clinic provides a free hair loss consultation, there’s a notable mention of a cancellation fee if not done with a 24-hour notice, albeit it’s unclear if this applies to the initial consultation or subsequent ones.

The website furnishes comprehensive information about hair loss procedures, yet lacks details regarding post-booking processes. Despite efforts to reach out via the booking form, no response was received at the time of this review’s publication.

On a positive note, the website does provide insights into the Pilorum Hårklinik team, although a clear price list is absent. However, an approximate starting fee for hair loss treatments is indicated at €2500.

pilorum harklinik cancellation fee

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Pre-Operational Consultations

1.0 / 5

From their website, it seems Pilorum Hårklinik does not cater to a lot of foreign patients. We could not find any information about traveling to Denmark or a clear itinerary for prospective patients.

The clinic offers pre-operational consultations. However, it is not clear if prospective patients can reschedule their booking for free, especially because of the late cancellation fees.

Additionally, the Pilorum Hårklinik website does not mention anything about nutrition advice or preoperational kits.

Arrival & Accommodation

2 / 5

As we mentioned earlier, the clinic does not mention anything about arrival or accommodation on their website. This makes it seem that the clinic’s primary audience is patients within their country, not foreign patients.


2 / 5

Pilorum Hårklinik has 3 different clinic locations. Their website shows some glimpses of their facilities in short videos. However, there was no further information about the available equipment or the hospital’s level of sanitation.

From the details on their website, we found that the clinic is registered with the Norwegian Agency for Patient Safety. Furthermore, the clinic partners with Seneca, a hair transplant clinic in Greece.

Most of the awards displayed on their website are from Seneca Medical Group. 

Surgery & Doctor Involvement

2 / 5

Pilorum Hårklinik has a lot of nurses on their team. Their website shows the pictures and names of their staff and medical team. However, we cannot say for certain if it’s a doctor who performs hair transplant surgeries. This is because some of their nurses are also hair transplant assistants.


1 / 5

One of the positive things about Pilorum Hårklinik is that they offer financing options. However, we cannot say a lot about how this works because the financing page on their website is not available in English.

The website also does not do justice to explaining their aftercare procedures and routines, leaving much to speculation. Although it mentions that they offer follow-up after hair transplantation at 2, 6, and 12 months.

conclusion expert review

Lisa writer at

We Rate Pilorum Hårklinik Turkey

2.9 / 5.0

Pilorum Hårklinik impresses with its user-friendly website, available in both English and Danish, providing easy access to information on hair transplant procedures. While the clinic offers a range of services, including aftercare product sales, the absence of convenient communication channels like WhatsApp or live chat may hinder prospective patients seeking immediate assistance.

Their booking process is straightforward, albeit prospective patients should note the possibility of incurring late cancellation fees, as detailed on the website. Despite providing insights into the clinic team, a clear price list is lacking, although an approximate starting fee for treatments is indicated.

However, the website lacks specifics on pre-operational consultations and procedures, leaving potential patients in the dark about what to expect before their visit. Similarly, details regarding arrival and accommodation arrangements are notably absent, suggesting a focus on local clientele rather than catering to foreign patients.

While Pilorum Hårklinik showcases glimpses of its facilities through short videos, comprehensive information on available equipment and sanitation standards is lacking. The involvement of nurses in the operational team is evident, although clarity on the role of doctors during procedures remains ambiguous.

On the positive side, the clinic offers financing options, albeit with limited information available in English. However, the website fails to adequately explain aftercare procedures, leaving much to be desired regarding post-treatment support and guidance. Overall, Pilorum Hårklinik shows promise but could benefit from enhancing transparency and communication channels to better serve prospective patients.

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What do others think about Pilorum Harklinik?

Pilorum Harklinik Hair Transplant Reviews

Patient reviews collected bi-weekly from:

Rated 4.6 out of 5
4.6 out of 5 stars (based on 330 reviews)
Very good8%

Ingen effekt af deres v2x eller hvad de…

Rated 1.0 out of 5
January 4, 2025

Ingen effekt af deres v2x eller hvad de nu kalder det. 9 mdr og spil af penge. Ikke den mindste ændring kunne ses.

Og ja de vil nok skrive at det er individuelt fra person til person osv osv en eller anden androgen process men 10.000 kr brugt. Det er en god forretning

Ibo Hursid

Utroligt sødt personale

Rated 5.0 out of 5
January 3, 2025

Utroligt sødt personale, meget professionel behandler som gjorde mig tryg under processen

V2X behandlingen har ingen effekt

Rated 1.0 out of 5
January 1, 2025

V2X behandlingen har ingen effekt, spild af penge og tid, det koster også halvdelen af en hår transplantation, så spar det penge op og tag en tur til Tyrkiet hvis det endelig skulle være.

Daniele Triolo

Jeg har været virkelig glad for…

Rated 5.0 out of 5
December 27, 2024

Jeg har været virkelig glad for forløbet, og har givet virkelig god effekt på min hår,


Ingen effekt

Rated 1.0 out of 5
December 25, 2024

Personalet er meget søde

Men V2X behandlingen har ingen effekt haft overhovedet.

Spild af penge og tid

Mariam juju


Rated 5.0 out of 5
December 23, 2024


Jeg har fået flere hår!!!

Engin Nevzat Altay

Jeg har nu været inde og få min 5 behandling

Rated 5.0 out of 5
December 21, 2024

Jeg har nu været inde og få min 5. behandling PRP hos Pilorum. Min oplevelse er at jeg fælder mindre og kan se ny hårvækst. Jeg tager en 6. behandling om en måneds tid, og er ellers optimistisk og spændt på den kommende tid, og håber at den gode udvikling fortsætter

Personalet er virkelig søde og imødekommende, og det har været en fornøjelse at komme hos Pilorum


Kompetent og meget venligt personale

Rated 5.0 out of 5
December 21, 2024

Kompetent og meget venligt personale, hvor man virkeligt føler sig i centrum. Omgivelserne er smukke og meget ordentlige. Behandlinger foregår grundigt og meget roligt.

Michel Corvil

Værdiløs hår V2X behandling

Rated 1.0 out of 5
December 14, 2024

Meget søde personale men desværre alt for dyr V2X behandling, som ikke virker, og spild af penge, første dag man kommer bliver man tilbudt en gave, hvis man lave en god Google anmeldelse, efter Fire behandlinger har jeg besluttet at få lavet hårtransportation I stedet for, koster lidt mere men det virker

wassim El khodeir

V2X behandlingen har ingen effekt!

Rated 1.0 out of 5
December 11, 2024

V2X behandlingen har ingen effekt!

Efter nu 2 år med dyr behandling og nu 18.000kr fattigere, kan man nu træde tilbage og kig på hvordan behandlingen ingen effekt har haft, hverken deres serum eller selve behandlingen har gjort noget godt, andet end for deres indkomst.

De påstår at de vil efter 12 måneders forløb kontakte en tilbage til en konsultation og kig på resultatet. Jeg har selv måtte ringe dem op igen, efter man var blevet glemt som kunde. Jeg føler det har været spild af tid og penge i høj grad, især når de ikke engang er klar over hvilke kunder de har og igangværende forløb, så føler man sig godt nok til grin.

Så snart de har manipuleret dig ind i forløbet og pengene er overført, så er du på egen hånd med serum i mange mange måneder indtil man indser at man detsværre nok bare er hoppet i en fælde.

Cathrine Pinto

Kanon service

Rated 5.0 out of 5
December 11, 2024

Jeg har været glad for at komme i klinikken, super god service og imødekommende personale. Behandlingen har været god og effektivt og kan tydelig se en forskel her 5 måneder efter

Birgitte Risbjerg Amstrup

Fantastisk undersøgelse og klar til behandling

Rated 5.0 out of 5
December 10, 2024

Jeg vil

Lige sige at jeg er ovenud overrasket og positiv over for den fine service jeg har fået i forbindelse med en undersøgelse af min hårbund/ mit hår , som endog var gratis . Tusind tak til medarbejderen . Utrolig sød og behagelig . Jeg fik en meget oplysende, grundig og kompetent undersøgelse . Klart professionelle. Jeg følte mig meget tryg, fik svar på alle mine spørgsmål og kom endog af med mine frustrationer, som der kan være forbundet med hårudfodringer. Jeg opstarter behandling snart og glæder mig utrolig meget. .

Tak Pilorum klinik



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Pilorum Harklinik Background Information


Pilorum Harklinik Team

Pilorum Harklinik has a big team and they show them proudly on their website. However, it is difficult to say who leads the team and their qualifications.

Besides the name and role of each staff, the Pilorum Harklinik’s website does not say any other thing about their team.

pilorum hair clinic team
pilorum hair clinic team

Before and After Pictures

Pilorum Hårklinik Turkey Before And After Results

Pilorum Harklinik’s website has several before and after photos of hair transplant patients. Their website also segments the photos into the hair loss treatment options that each patient received. 

foer-efter60 pilorum hair clinic
foer-efter115 pilorum hair clinic
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Methods and Treatments

Pilorum Hårklinik Hair Transplant Procedures

Pilorum Harklinik offers several hair loss treatment options for patients. Some of these treatments include PRP treatment, hair serum, laser therapy, hair analysis, scalp micro pigmentation, and direct FUE without shaving.

Costs and Packages

Pilorum Hårklinik hair transplant cost and price - What is included in the hair transplant package?

We found varying information about the hair transplant cost at Pilorum Harklinik. On one of their website pages, the clinic says hair treatment starts from €2500, however, another page mentions that their cost runs up to 30,000 (we are not sure in what currency).

Additionally, their website does not mention anything about their hair transplant packages.

Be the first to grab our all-new e-book
Understanding Hair Loss

Before you can truly commit to a hair transplant it is important to understand hair loss. Together with the experts at IdealofMeD, we wrote an e-book explaining everything you need to know about hair loss. From hair loss causes to practical tips on how to deal with hair loss and the best hair loss products.

Free Hair loss ebook

Your Questions

You can find Pilorum Harklinik on Youtube, Instagram, and WhatsApp.

Yes, Pilorum Harklinik performs hair transplants in their hospital. They are also in partnership with Seneca Greece.

We are not sure if they have an A-license. However, Pilorum Harklinik is registered with the Norwegian Agency for patient safety.

Contact Hairline Transplant Turkey

Our team of experts are always here to help you. You can call us or fill the contact form for any questions about hair transplantation cost or procedure. We are more than happy to assist you. You can also leave your contact information, and we’ll give you a call.

Let us answer your questions

Published by Lisa

Last updated in Feb, 2024

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