Read all clinic reviews below. Here we collect reviews from trusted sources, have our own experts review clinics and compile feedback from individuals like you.
I am happy with SMP and his treatment was very good.
I’m very happy with my results at SMP Nordic, the procedure has brought my confidence back with only, only 2 sessions. I look much younger and closer to my age now then I did with my hair loss. After the first session I could already tell that I would be fully satisfied with the full results in the near future. I would recommend this clinic to anyone interested In doing a scalp micro pigmentation in Sweden. The clinic is also very close to the train station (Uppsala) being located only 5 mins away.
Fantastisk service! kände mig väl omhändertagen som kund. Blev så nöjd med resultatet, rekommenderar starkt denna klinik!
Jag vill verkligen rekommendera Smp NORDIC i Uppsala och Sarbast Rashid för ett kanon mottagande så trevlig o proffsig på sin sak inget att tveka på alls ta bara kontakt med honom.
Jag sökte efter en smp-klinik med erfarenhet och som kunde garantera bra resultat. En vän rekommenderade smp nordic. Jag kunde inte ha valt bättre. Bra på alla sätt, pris, resultat, atmosfären, personalen allt var över förväntan. Rekommenderas starkt!
Very nice guy and expert on what he is doing. I would recommend him.
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